So Far, Yet So Closeseries
So far, yet so close
Khoni Georgia 2013 – 2017

The history of this house and family begins in 1941, in Khoni, Georgia.
My great grandfather, Petre Meskhi, built a house in Khoni, to live in it with newly married Luba Kutateladze (My grandeur). Soon after there was increase in family with twins (Nanuli and Amirani) and later on with a girl Maguli (My grandmother).
After graduation, all of the children have moved in Tbilisi, got married and have gave a birth. But each of them had tradition to visit their parents with families every summer. From there on children of new generation had been growing up and have filled in for the house.
One morning, we learned from the neighbors that the hard times have come. Our family and house has been greatly influenced with the problems of 90s.
No one from our family could visit home again for twenty years. I remember that adults even wanted to sell the house, but nobody could say it out loud.
A moss took over, as nobody was traveling there to clean the dust, or to air out the rooms and bedding. Consequently, the house has become useless for the guests.
Last time my six years old self was standing in this yard and house. Twenty years has passed since then and the first thing I felt visiting it back again was a feeling of nostalgia. I saw my six years old self in every corner of the house.
The voices and happy moments of past has never left me. ⓒ G,Shengelia

